How Long?
How long must we sing this song?
ESPN has potted their trash on the front lawn again and it reads like a meth-head's tattoo splattered across their forearm with little more than a juiced up ink pen. It's a typical exercise in a lack of effort deigning sensibility in place of data. I get it. But it's just stupid. Michigan is bad but they aren't one of the 10 worst teams in all of 1A.
I guess they have to feed the starving public something in place of news when there's no real dirt going on.
How many times can you spin Joe Paterno stories? I for one am in favor of no longer calling him JoePa- like Grandpa. I get it. It was cute the first 9079989i times.
Tebow. Enough already. Beat the dead horse on the week's story just like every other purported news reporting entity and if they can't do that they make up something salacious- or half make it up.
I'm bitching a bit, but can't we draw more insightful inferences out of the college football game? I've found that I have more to say in the offseason than actually during the season because it's all right in front of us during the season. Out of season, there's much more to speculate on therefore making debate that much more heated. During the season all we can do is drink, bitch, smile and get drunk.
Did I say I love the ladies?
Well, that was a complete interjection that means absolutely nothing relevant.
Let's run through Espen's purported bottom ten with something witty of our own, shall we?
1. N. Tejas? Well, I haven't watched one of their games, but they're green and therefore probably smoke a lot of cannabis- aka frotuss.
2. Washington? Probably not that bad if they played a week-ass schedule like Texas Tech; they'd probably be undefeated at this point or maybe sitting w/ one loss and the same coach who can't win big games or recruit evenly.
3. Washington State? Well, this is probably the worst team. Poor Wazzu. They shouldn't be down for too long. I'd love to be the coach at a program like Wazzu. Just go cross country cleaning up on b-plan recruits.
4. SMU? Bring back the Pony Express- next.
5. Michigan? Richrod? Where's your adaptability? Defense? Where's your godlike S&C coach?
6. San Diego State? How can they really be bad? Just mark a circle within 75 mile radius of campus and save gas recruiting and you'll surely make a Miami-like monster. Trust me.
7. Syracuse? This is really sad. Why can't NY produce football talent? Or the NE in general? The people from TX, OH, PA, FL, CA, GA, LA should send missionaries to that part of the country and teach them how to eat corn and beef.
8. Utah State? Who are they? Didn't that lineman from the Broncos play for them? Send them back to DII.
9. Miami University? The Redhawks (Redskins!!!!!!) Cradle of coaches? Must need a new coach.
10. Wyoming? I thought they were good? Get Dick Cheney to donate 100million to your school and join the Big12 and kick Missouri to the Big10.
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