So be good, for goodness' sake! Bill Murray once sang that phrase aloud for no apparent reason as do I. Hanford Dixon, the once vocal and some would say great cornerback for the Cleveland Browns has a job everybody!
Yes! An NFL corner who wore a crossbar down the middle of his facemask has a job as the color man on Northern Ohio Fox Sports football games. Tonights Matchup? None other than Mogodore vs Northwestern. Nothing could've shocked me more than to flip on my 50" plasma in Boynton Beach, FL and tune in to a great division V matchup in Ohio commentated by none other than THE ORIGINATOR EXTROADINARE of the DAWG POUND, Hanford Dixon.
Moggie? (Mogodore)
Northwestern (Canal Fulton)?
Big School football at it's finest folks... Northwestern has 6 seniors, 20 juniors.. you get the picture... on their team... I mean this is big time football fellas.... I'm tuned in... Sadly, there are more people at this game than at Atlantic High School football games in Delray Beach where the male population of students is somewhere around 2000 students--- no joke.
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